Artikler om HD
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NKKs screeningprogram for HD
Sluttrapporten til NKKs HD-gruppe (med vedlegg)
Indrebø A. Informasjon om hofteleddsdysplasi (HD) hos hund (februar 2013.)
Prestrud K.W. NKKs HD-indeks – Ny og bedre. Hundesport 1/18 s.30-40
Bellamy K. Informasjon om HD-avlesning. Hundesport 3/17 s.26-27
FCIs regelverk vedrørende HD- screening
Reagan JK.
Canine Hip dysplasia Screening within the United States.
Vet Clin Small Anim 47 (2017) 795–805.
Verhoeven G, Fortrie R, Van Ryssen B, Coopman F.
Worldwide screening for canine hip dysplasia: where are we now?
Vet Surg. 2012 Jan; 41(1):10-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950X.2011.00929.x.
Fluckiger, M. (2007)
Scoring Radiographs for Canine Hip Dysplasia—The Big Three Organizations in the World. European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, 2, 135-140.
Dennis, R
Interpretation and use of BVA/KC hip scores in dogs
In practice 34(4):178-194 · April 2012
Genetikk og arvbarhet
King, MD.
Etiopathogenesis of Canine Hip Dysplasia, Prevalence, and Genetics.
Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2017 Jul;47(4):753-767.
Oberbauer, AM, Keller GG, Famula TR
Long-term genetic selection reduced prevalence of hip and elbow dysplasia in 60 dog breeds
PLOS Published: February 24, 2017,
Wang S, Leroy G, Malm S, Lewis T, Viklund Å, Strandberg E, Fikse WF.
Genetic correlations of hip dysplasia scores for Golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers in France, Sweden and the UK.
Vet J. 2017 Aug; 226:51-56.
Soo M, Sneddon NW, Lopez-Villalobos N, Worth AJ
Genetic evaluation of the total hip score of four populous breeds of dog, as recorded by the New Zealand Veterinary Association Hip Dysplasia Scheme (1991-2011).
N Z Vet J. 2015 Mar;63(2):79-85.
Wilson BJ et al.
Heritability and Phenotypic Variation of Canine Hip Dysplasia Radiographic Traits in a Cohort of Australian German Shepherd Dogs
PLoS One. 2012; 7(6): e39620. Published online 2012 Jun 27.
Lewis W, Blott SJ, Woolliams JA
Genetic Evaluation of Hip Score in UK Labrador Retrievers
PLoS ne. 2010; 5(10): e12797. Published online 2010 Oct 22.
Lewis TW, Woolliams JA, Blott SJ
Geneti Evaluation of the Nine Component Features of Hip Score in UK Labrador Retrievers
PLoS One. 2010; 5(10): e13610. Published online 2010 Oct 22.
Hou Y, Wang Y, Lust G, Zhu L, Zhang ZTodhunter RJ
Retrospective Analysis for Genetic Improvement of Hip Joints of Cohort Labrador Retrievers in the United States: 1970–2007
PLoS One. 2010; 5(2): e9410. Published online 2010 Feb 24.
Engler J, et al.
Estimation of genetic parameters for radiographic signs of hip dysplasia in Labrador Retrievers.
Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr. 2008 Sep-Oct; 121(9-10):359-64.
Stock KF, Klein S, Tellhelm B, Distl O.
Genetic analyses of elbow and hip dysplasia in the German shepherd dog.
J Anim Breed Genet. 2011 Jun; 128(3):219-29.
Mäki K, Liinamo AE, Ojala M
Estimates of genetic parameters for hip and elbow dysplasia in Finnish Rottweilers.
J Anim Sci. 2000 May;78(5):1141-8.
Ginja M, Gaspar AR, Ginja G
Emerging insights into the genetic basis of canine hip dysplasia
Veterinary Medicine Research and Reports 2015:6 193 – 202
Indeks / Estimated Breeding Value (EBV)
Wilson BJ et al.
Estimated Breeding Values for Canine Hip Dysplasia Radiographic Traits in a Cohort of Australia German Shepherd Dogs.
PLoS One. 2013; 8(10): e77470.
Lewis TW, Blott SC, Woolliams JA
Comparative analyses of genetic trends and prospects for selection against hip and elbow dysplasia in 15 UK dog breeds.
BMC Genet. 2013; Mar 2; 14: 16.
Reagan JK.
Canine Hip Dysplasia Screening Within the United States: Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program and Orthopedic Foundation for Animals Hip/Elbow Database.
Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract. 2017 Jul;47(4):795-805.
Se også artikler listet under NKKs screeningprogram for HD.
Andre publikasjoner om HD
Trangerud C, Grøndalen J, Indrebø A, Moe L
Skjelettsykdommer hos hurtigvoksende hunder i relasjon til fòring, veksthastighet, miljø og genetiske faktorer.
Hansen ET.
Fører hurtig vekst til HD?
Hundesport 3/2009 s 49 - 51
Krontveit RI,
A prospective study on canine hip dysplasia and growth in a cohort of four large breeds in Norway (1998-2001).
Prev Vet Med. 2010 Dec 1;97(3-4):252-63.
Keller GG, Dziuk E, Bell JS.
How the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals (OFA) is tackling inherited disorders in the USA: using hip and elbow dysplasia as examples.
Vet J. 2011 Aug;189(2):197-202.
Loder RT, Todhunter RJ
The Demographics of Canine Hip Dysplasia in the United States and Canada.
J Vet Med. 2017;2017:5723476.